What is the process for designing a new home? What are the steps in competing a new home design? The answers to these questions vary from job to job, but generally include some of the same elements. The first step in contemplating a new home design is to interview and select a design firm. There are many choices and many different prices to choose from when selecting a design team to complete your new home design. Ask about their experience, ask for references, ask if they have designed homes similar to what you are looking for. Also, ask exactly what you will receive for the fees you pay.
After you interview and select a design firm, the first step will be to lay out your site plan. This shows how your home or building will be situated on your lot/land. Then the designer will help you decide on your floor-plan. The floor plan includes the locations of all the rooms, garages, porches, patios and more along with notes and dimensions. Once your floor plans are complete, you will move to the elevations stage of the design. This is where an experienced design team will help you to decide exactly what you want your house or building to look like on the outside from all four sides. These elevations outline exterior material choices, such as brick, stone or stucco, architectural details, and generally showcase the exterior features of the home. These pages will show whether the style is French country, Mediterranean, traditional, Tuscan, Victorian, English or another architectural style.